Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vineyard Playdate

Ok so can we call it a playdate if there were only 3 Mamas and 3 Babies? Whitney got sick :( and who knows what happened to the other girls but hell, I made like 20 sandwiches, so I was stickin around! It was just me & Lola, Kelly & Amy, and Jackie & Alex. The 3 of us girls just sat around and chatted for a few hours and compared pregnancy/birth/baby stories. Isnt that what its all about? I made chicken salad sandwiches, and roasted veggie sandwiches - yum! Kelly brought broccoli salad, and chocolate cake, and Jackie brought hummus & Vegan chocolate chip cookies. (Are you kidding me? Vegan chocolate chip cookies, I am in heaven.) So we ate & chatted, and JUST as I was about to go inside to pick up a bottle of vino for my Mom, Lola has a meltdown. So I got her in the car, fed her, and took off. All just in time to catch John on skype. It was a good day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Fun Giveaway!

I'm teaming up with one of my very best friends to do this give away to one of my South Florida followers! I've known Brooke Logue for about 6 years now. We met while working in a restaurant and were forever friends. She was in my wedding, and I was in hers. Now she has a little girl - Miss Maren,  and a fantastic photography business to top it off! I am super proud of her, and I'm also her biggest fan! This giveaway is for a free photo session with Brooke Logue Photography. A value of $150, plus your photos will be available for viewing on facebook, and

So here's the deal, in order to enter you need to do 4 things...
1) Become a follower of my blog, and post a comment to this post saying you did so.
2) Become a follower of, and post a comment to this post saying you did so.
3) Become a fan of Brooke Logue Photography on facebook, and post a comment to this post saying you did so
4) Once you've checked out her work, let me know which type of session you would like and why. i.e. maternity, newborn, engagement etc. in a comment.

A winner will be picked at random, and you must respond within 48 hours of notice. This contest will run untill Thursday June 3, so check back then to see if you've won. Good Luck!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Last week we had our first official play-date. I met Whitney & her little guy Ryan on and it turns out she lives right across the street from my bestie Sarah. Small world - more like small town. So we met for coffee and were instant friends. Ryan is about a month older than Lola and soooo handsome. (Dont tell Daddy.) So Friday we met up with a bunch of girl, all who had little ones around Lola's age. There was actually another baby named Lola Marie!

Kelli & Amy - Ryan & Whitney

Me & Lola

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Jersey Shore

Not the show. Although it is one of my faves, we actually visited the Jersey Shore this past weekend for a wedding. We stayed at hotel called the Ocean Place which was right on the ocean. (The one that woke us up at 2 am for a fire drill.) We spent our days shopping on the boardwalk. I would've taken Lola to the beach but it was just too chilly. Sat afternoon, we went to the church to the ceremony. Lola was SO good in church. She just sat on my lap and was as content as can be listening to the music (and singing along.) Everyone oohed and ahhed at Loli. Im still getting used to all the attention she gets everywhere we go. After the church, we headed back to the hotel to meet my Aunt and her friend Aggie who both came to watch Lola while I went to the reception. First time leaving her was a success! She slept the whole time. Such an angel. The reception was really great except for the fact that it just made me miss John. Nothing I do is as fun without him there. Seeing all the couples dancing and having a good time was a bit of a bummer for me. But I know its just a matter of time till he's home, but for the time being, its hard. I was probably a debbie downer, just sitting at the table all by myself, checking my phone a million times to see if my aunt had called. To make matters worse, I hadnt talked to John in a few days and I was a little worried. When someone is killed in their unit, they go on "blackout." Basically all communication is shut down until next of kin is notified of the death. Lovely huh? Yeah its awful. But luckily I heard from him this morning and he is fine. 

Lola is getting so big. Her hair has come in particularly nice the past few days, and she is smiling more than ever. She is [trying to] roll over, and is now intentionally grabbing things that I put in front her. Just today she started to scoot herself up on her matt using her feet. I wish she could stay this size forever. Every day is such a joy just being her mommy. She is just so sweet. Here are some pics!

Mackie, The Bride & My Mom
My Mom & Me 

Friday, May 21, 2010


Its 1:40am and the fire alarm in our hotel just went off. We are on the 9th floor. No fire. Walking down 9 flights of stairs with a 3 month old baby because someone decided it'd be a good idea to smoke in their room... not so fun! And now I'm up, blogging about it.

Wedding is to come!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Missing JR.

Our days have become pretty uneventful lately. Between taking care of Lola, and work, I hardly have time to leave my house. One thing I was not prepared for before having a baby is what a full time job being a Mama is. I never realized how much of my brain she consumes. My days absolutely fly by. I have been planning a vacation for about 10 days after he comes home. Ideally, we would take a cruise to the Caribbean, and bring a sitter along. We'll see. Trying to look forward to the day when he will be home again, and we can get back to normal life, as a family. Here are a few pics of my handsome husband. 

And just cause I miss him, here is one of us the day before we found out I was pregnant! (And yes as my husband pointed out, we are in a bar, and I did proceed that night to get drunker than I think I have ever been.)

Friday, May 14, 2010


A free minute! Blogging has moved to the bottom of my list somewhere between laundry and showering. My work for the week is done and I can finally update you all on my lovely little Lola. This week started out rough. Lets just say I will not be eating dairy again anytime soon. I had a few things with cheese on mothers day. Big.fat.mistake! Lola had a bellyache and the squirts for the following few days. Poor little thing. I felt so bad for her she would just wail-out crying cause her belly hurt. That is so not like her! But luckily it went away and she is back to her cheery self.

John put his recruiter packet in so hopefully we will find out soon if he gets accepted. PLEASE PRAY FOR US  If he becomes a recruiter that means no more deployments for awhile! I always tell him I dont care where in the world we live, as long as he is not deployed, I am happy. I live for the days that I greet him at the front door with a big hug and kiss when he comes home from work. OK enough mush. I am going to start planning his coming home party soon. Never too early right? I am thinking daytime BBQ with closest friends & family. I cant wait!!

I will leave you with some pics of Lola from this past week - shes gettin so big!
And here is me and my lil bro. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Uncle Jonny!

Yesterday my little brother Jonathan flew in from FL. He goes to school at UF and is working toward his masters in information system. This was his first time meeting his niece! I was so eager to show her off to him. Me and my brother are really close. He was my best buddy growing up and I have such amazing memories getting into trouble with him. 

And here is one of my little chick. Cant wait for my friend Brook to get a hold of her to take some great pics.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Halfway there!

If I were to sum up my life right now into one word it would be "limbo." I am living in limbo. But i guess thats the life of an army wife. John's in Iraq, our house is in Savannah, our home is in Florida, and I am in New York. And to addto it all, this time next year, we could be in Texas. John got put on orders for April 2011 for Fort Hood, which is near Austin, TX. BUT if all goes well, and John gets the recruiter positions we will (hopefully) be headed home to Florida. I am so happy to have made it half-way through this deployment. John will be home sometime in Oct. I cannot wait. It will be so great to have our lives back and be a family again. Lola will be 7 months old.

In other news... this past weekend was a mess. The exact day Lola had her shots, she started to cough. And being the worry wart that I am, I panicked. I thought for sure she had RSV again. Turned out to be nothing but I kept her in all weekend.
She has a new obsession (check back for a video.) Her activity mat. Man she loves that thing, and it gives me a chance to put her down and get some work done. Im one of those Mamas that feels guilty every time I put her down. Here are a few pic from the last couple of days.

Check out her lashes!! Lucky girl, gets em from her Daddy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SOOO big!

Lola had her 2 month well baby appointment yesterday at West Point. My mom was able to get off early from work to come with me. I SO would've gotten lost with out her. The drive to West Point is literally along the side of a mountain and it is terrifying. The post is absolutely beautiful. The views of the river are incredible and the homes are gorgeous as well. I would love to be stationed there minus the crappy weather. Its like its own little town. John would love it.

At the doctor's office she was weighed and measured. 11lbs, 24 1/2 inches long!!! So great to know shes growing right on track. She was such a trooper and was good the whole time. The Doc came in and examined her and she looked great. We discussed vaccines, and after picking her brain to death (poor woman) I decided to spread them out a bit - and omit the Rotatec. So off we went to immunizations. I was DREADING this moment! But the doc stuck her and i picked her right up, she only cried for about 10 seconds. I fed her immediately after and she was happy as a clam. I thought for sure I was going to cry, but I held it together. And so did she! Yay Lola! Im so proud of her. I could tell however, that she was a little uneasy the entire time we were there. I think it may have brought back memories of being in the hospital when she was sick - I could be crazy though.

Soooo shes been a bit cranky all day today. This morning she had a low grade fever of 99.0 but it went right down after being awake for a bit. Poor girl. She will go back next month for another round. Yuk.

A little snippet of her trying to talk to me (and daddy.) Not sure if anyone else thinks this is as ridiculously cute as I do.